Thursday, September 20, 2007


I've been feeling kind of bad about having such huge spaces between postings, so I thought I should find something to fill in the space, for those one or two (wishful thinking!) viewers that might check in on this blog every once in a blue moon. :)

It's not always easy to get out on the weekends, especially when you are in the middle of home repair! We're in the process of renovating/rebuilding our bathroom, so things have been a bit busy. I have crazy work hours, so my part in this fun can only happen on the weekends. In a way, this is also a bit of a workout. I'm painting the drywall at the moment, so I have to step up and down from a stool to get to the paint pan. Not quite the same as scrambling down a ravine or climbing stone steps in a park, but hey! I'll take what I can get.

Don't get me wrong, I'm missing my hikes terribly! Happily we have another trip to the Ohio Renaissance Faire next week and then a trip to southern Indiana the first weekend of October (Happy Birthday to me!). We're heading back to Lake Rudolph for another camping weekend and we are going to side trip it over to the Hoosier State Park while we are there. Should be great fun! I've signed up to be a volunteer photographer, so maybe you'll see some of my pictures on their website soon.

Until then....keep stomping!

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Ohio Renaissance Festival

This weekend was all about the Ohio Renaissance Festival! This festival starts around Labor Day and ends right before Halloween. We've been going every year for approximately 10 years and I've never been disappointed. Despite some recently developed pain in my heels, I was more than happy to tread up and down the hills on the fair ground to see the wonderful shows and take in the crafts and food. I highly recommend it!

How does this relate to my hiking? Well, we were on our feet for about 3 out of 4 1/2 hours (my heels will attest to that). The grounds are not paved and are far from flat, so you definitely have to put in some physical effort to move around. And if the hills don't get you, the gravel paths will! We covered approximately 2 plus miles Sunday afternoon taking in the entertainment, which was often located on opposite sides of the grounds.
The pictures above are as follows:
Picture #1 - Our good Queen Elizabeth (represented by a new person this year) and her royal court.
Picture #2 - An on-rushing knight in the midst of a joust.
Picture #3 - The Skull and Bones swordsmen troupe. Great act! They are not "The Swordsmen" quite yet, but they are a close second!
Picture #4 - Daniel, Duke of Danger - One of my favorite acts of the faire. If you go, you must catch his act! In this picture he is preparing for one of his balancing acts and trying to draw in the crowd.